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Body Percussion

Body percussion is all about making sounds with our bodies and the exploration of their musical value. Our body can become a readily available acoustic, rhythmic, dynamic instrument (Colomino and Naranjo, 2014). Body percussion is also very accessible as it requires no specialist music resources or environment. Pupils with no prior experiences can jump right into discovery and composition. 

Body percussion helps children understand and perceive beat and rhythm (Gromko, 2005) and encourage them to express creativity. It can also influence pupils' concentration, memory and perception (Romero-Naranjo et al., 2014), as well as, psychomotor and visual-spatial development (Carretero-Martinez et al., 2014).


Carretero-Martinez, A., Romero-Naranjo, F. J., Pons-Terrés, J. M., and Crespo-Colomino, N. (2014) Cognitive, visual-spatial and psychomotor development in students of primary education through the body percussion-BAPNE method. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152, pp. 1282-1287.

Colomino, N. C. and Naranjo, F.J.R. (2014) Body percussion and dyslexia: Theoretical and practical contribution through the BAPNE method. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 132, pp. 686-690.

Gromko, J. E. (2005) The effect of music instruction on phonemic awareness in beginning readers. Journal of Research in Music Education, 53(3), pp. 199-209.

Romero-Naranjo, A. A., Jauset-Berrocal, J. A., Romero-Naranjo, F. J., and Liendo-Cárdenas, A. (2014) Therapeutic benefits of body percussion using the BAPNE method. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152, pp. 1171-1177. 

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